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Menu - Enchilada Casserole | Cost - $8 (individuals), $25 (families), $7 (65+)
Pay OnlineOur music ministry exists to give glory to God and to lead our church to give glory to God.
Learn MoreAt First Baptist we believe our students have the ability to change the world around them, by being the light that shines in the darkness of their generation.
Learn MoreThe Children's Ministry at First Baptist Church exists to educate children in Biblical Truth through a partnership between parents, church members, and church staff.
Learn MoreLocal Missions
Caprock Plains Association
Bailey County Food Pantry
Bailey County Ministerial Alliance
Baptist General Convention of Texas www.bgct.org
Wayland Baptist University www.wbu.edu
George W. Truett Seminary at Baylor University www.baylor.edu
Operation In As Much Community Missions - Spring & Fall Emphasis
Global Missions
Samaritan's Purse www.samaritanspurse.org
And Independently Supported Missionaries
Christian Beliefs Preached and Practiced among the people of First Baptist Church, Muleshoe
About Scripture and the Bible
Romans 7:7
The Bible is the infallible human record of divine truth, revealed through the Spirit and interpreted through the words of its authors.
About God
Deuteronomy 6:4
There is one true God, the Holy One of Israel, existing eternally in three persons: Father, Son and Spirit. Each aspect of God exercises sovereignty above creation as well as an intimate connection with it.
The Father is the God of Abraham and of Jacob, who led His people out of Egypt. He is the creator and sustainer, sovereign and omniscient, immanent and transcendent.
Philippians 2:5-11
Jesus Christ is God, Son of God, and the living Word. Born to a virgin, Jesus exists mysteriously as one person with two natures: divine and human. Jesus is the head of the church and all peoples who have been joined to him through faith.
John 14:26
The Spirit—fully God and the third person of the Trinity—works within the individual to reveal, inspire, and illuminate the truths of the Gospel. It is through the Holy Spirit that lives are transformed and gifts are given.
About Creation
Romans 1:20
God is the creator and sustainer of all creation. Out of love God created humanity, man and woman, equally in God’s image; and God created the heavens and the earth for the use of humanity. It is the role of humanity to care for all of God’s creation, including both one another and the earth.
About Humanity
Romans 7:15, 18-19
Humanity, which is essentially good and made in the image of God, has been so corrupted by the fall that sin has become inevitable. Due to the fall, sin has become a spiritual disease—a second nature, but not a first.
About Salvation
1 Corinthians 15:20-22
Because of God’s sincere love for the entire world, He sent His only son to die that we may live. Through the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, He bore the punishment that humanity had earned. The Son willfully paid the penalty which was not His own, justifying the world, and making salvation possible through faith. His death was on the behalf of all humanity (2 Cor. 5:15), that we may live for and with Him. Our role in salvation requires faith: that we both believe the gospel, and learn to live it; the two are not mutually exclusive (1 Kings 8:61).
Our Beliefs as Baptists:
Priesthood of the Believer - At the very center of Baptist belief is the notion that each individual Christian is a priest in the eyes of God. At the resurrection of Jesus, the great veil in the temple was torn (Matthew 27:51), indicating that Jesus, the High Priest, now mediates between God and mankind, and it is no longer necessary for certain men or women to bridge the gap between God and humans. Every believer can go directly to God in prayer, confession, and praise.
Soul Competency - Each Christian is competent before God and is capable of making decisions in matters of faith.
Lordship of Christ - The Church is not governed by any human, but by Christ alone.
Autonomy (or Independence) of the Local Church - Each Baptist church governs itself and its members. The church can choose to participate with associations, conventions, synods etc. on a voluntary basis, but is under no obligation to adhere to their policies or opinions.
Separation of Church and State - Baptists believe that governments are ordained by God to provide law and order. In response, Christians are to honor and pray for government officials, pay taxes, obey the statutes of the land, and vote according to their values. However, the Church is to rely on the power of God and the movement of the Holy Spirit rather than political coercion to carry out its mission.
Authority of Scripture - The Word of God is the primary authority in matters of faith and practice; standing above tradition, reason and experience.
© 2013-2025 First Baptist Church of Muleshoe | Powered by
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If you have any questions, you may contact Ashton Turman at (806) 272-4224.
Who: Children Birth - 4yo
When: Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00am - 2:00pm
Cost: $220/month
Contact Ashton Turman for more information (806) 272-4224
Join us in the Fellowship Hall for dinner. The cost is $8 for individuals, $25 for families, and $7 for those 65 and older. We can’t wait to see you there!
Who: Children Birth - 4yo
When: Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00am - 2:00pm
Cost: $220/month
Contact Ashton Turman for more information (806) 272-4224
Our music ministry exists to give glory to God and to lead our church to give glory to God. We utilize traditional and contemporary songs of nearly any style which proclaim Christ and give him glory.
Our goal is to follow Ephesians 5, to “be filled with the Spirit, as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, singing and making melody to the Lord in your hearts, giving thanks to God the Father at all times and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
The Music Ministry encourages participation by all believers of all ages and abilities during worship. We have a choir which helps lead worship. It consists of mostly untrained volunteers who meet for rehearsal on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00. There is no audition process or signup required. Anyone who wishes to sing is invited.
We are blessed to have talented instrumentalists who assist our singing – currently an organist, a pianist, two guitarists, and a flautist. While our priority is leading Sunday worship, the Music Ministry presents programs at Christmas, Easter, and at other times during the year.
If interested in being a part of our music ministry or want more information, contact the church office at 806 272-4224.
"Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but be an example for other believers in your speech, behavior, love, faithfulness, and purity." - 1 Timothy 4:12
At First Baptist we believe our students have the ability to change the world around them, by being the light that shines in the darkness of their generation. We try to equip them with the tools to be salty and bright, through:
Sunday School: Sunday mornings 9:45-10:45 a.m.
Wednesday Night Youth: Wednesday evening.
Summer Camp/Missions
The Children's Ministry at First Baptist Church exists to educate children in Biblical Truth through a partnership between parents, church members, and church staff. Through this partnership, we will reach others for Christ.
Big 5
The "Big 5" foundations of our ministry are:
1. Establishing a firm foundation of Biblical Truth.
2. Understanding and sharing the Gospel.
3. Equipping parents as primary disciple makers of their children.
4. Serving the surrounding community through outreach.
5. Partipating in the church body.
Sunday School
Sunday Morning: 9:45 - 10:45 a.m.
Each Sunday morning, we offer Bible Study for children. Babies thru 3 years of age meet in the Nursery and children 4 years of age thru 5th grade meet upstairs in our Children's Department. Sunday School is a time for your children to dive deep into God's Word and learn of the Character of God and what that means for us as sinners and Christ followers.
Wednesday Evening: 6:15 - 7:00 p.m.
Our Wednesday night programming has two components: Kid's Choir and Bible Study. A portion of the time is spent worshiping through song and a portion of our time is spent worshiping through Bible Study, Scripture Memory, and Games. The topics to be discussed are as follows:
- The Beginning: Who is God?
- The Truth: What is the Bible?
- The Life: Living it out.
- The Call: The people called by God.
- The Way: Who is Jesus?
- The Mission: What are we to tell others?
TeamKid is for children 4 years thru 5th grade.
Contact Us
Thank you so much for your interest in our Children's Ministry! If you have any questions about our different ministries, please don't hesitate to call the church office (806-272-4224). I would love to talk with you!
God Bless,
Ashton Turman
The purpose of Mother's Day Out is to provide an environment and experience that will allow children (Birth-4 years) to:
- Learn about the love of Christ.
- Make a successful transition from home.
- Develop an interest and joy in learning.
- Develop self-control, self-expression, and creativity.